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Spring is coming. Oh yeaaah. That means race season. When the hell did that come around so quickly?

Anyway, I received all my kit from the fantastic V02 Sportswear last week. Phew, there's a lot of it! I'll be super kitted out in tri suits, cycling kit, running kit and casual wear for the rest of the season! If you ever need custom kit sorting, GO HERE. Because their designs are some of the best I've ever seen. And I even met one of their designers. You know, super chilled, laid back types. 

I cruised around Be:Fit London wearing my cycling jacket and had a few random comments from strangers about how awesome it looked. So it just goes to show! I was up there as somehow, god only know why, but I was asked to be a guest speaker in their 'Experts Theatre'. I was on right after Victoria Pendleton. I mean, come on! Wow. Anyway who would turn down that opportunity??

It was fun actually, it's a show aimed mostly at women and I had a good turn out at my talk, even though I had what the sound/mic guys called the 'bogey spot', last thing on Sunday afternoon at the end of a three day show! Just tried in vain not to forget anything, although it's not liike I have an epic career in triathlon to talk about or anything! Basically it was just my story about how I started out in triathlon not being able to swim and how I was stupid enough to want to do an Ironman.

The usual stuff, but at least if I can inspire others to have a go and get involved in triathlon (I did warn them about how you get addicted and it will take over your life!), then that's pretty amazing. It's exciting to see such interest in the sport - questions at the end lasted as long as the presentation itself, and it's very encouraging that lots of women are interested in participating in triathlon or looking to 'try the next distance', and just need that extra bit of confidence to take that step.

I'll keep this short as I'm now off to try and comprehend the fact that I have a race in six weeks and how time has seemingly passed quicker than the speed of light. 

On a totally non-plugging note, I'm very excited to be racing in this SWISH new kit, and if I don't do particularly well at least I'll look cool in the process! I'm proud to represent all these awesome businesses I work with, and a MASSIVE thank you to all of you for supporting me and believing in me (even when I don't always believe in myself!)